frequently asked questions


Server Creation is $50USD and can be set up in one to two business days, including channel setup, bot setup (explained below in the Bot Management section), and emojis/banners. Authors answer a customization questionnaire and provide four images: 

  •  a server icon at least 256x256px (maintain 1:1 ratio) with author name/logo (will show as circular so centered is better)
    •  ^ same image, plain background or design only, no name (in some cases, will show as circular so centered is better)
  •  a server banner at least 2000x1125px (maintain 16:9 ratio) with author name/logo
    •  ^ same image, plain background or design only, no name

Server Creation includes six moderation custom commands, two verification custom commands, and three book custom commands through Carl-bot, the general purpose/moderation bot I use for these servers. It also includes creating up to three custom commands of your direction. Depending on the complexity of the command(s), and the limitations of Carl's code, I should be able to fill most requests. If not, I will often know of a bot you could use instead. I may or may not be willing to install and setup an extra bot (see Bot Management FAQ below for more information on my bot policy).

Additionally, there is a pack of emojis that can be added to your server, with color customization possible, and up to three personalized emojis of your choice.  If you want customization beyond the questionnaire, that may result in extra fees and/or longer turnaround.   

Server Creation includes one week of setup bug squashing/issue resolution, and minor customization tweaks. If any setup bugs have not been resolved in one week (this is very rare, as I'm very familiar with Discord and the bots I use), a consultation fee of $10/wk will be required for continued diagnosis and fixes. Large customization changes or continuing customization asks beyond the one week included will incur additional fees.

Server Creation and customization as described here is only available to servers I have set up. If you have a server already made and would like to discuss customizing it for you, that is an option. Additionally, consultation about member, role, bot, or general Discord errors for a server I did not set up is available. Costs regarding existing servers may vary depending on the complexity, activity, and size of your server.


Server Administration is $20USD/mo and includes 30-45 minutes per day, interspersed throughout the day, going over your server logs and dealing with infractions and mod-related questions, and forwarding author-related questions. It is recommended to also recruit 1-3 moderators from your community with different time zones/availabilities so you have more active eyes on infractions and support/verification tickets.

Server Administration includes up to 1,000 initial members, and increases by $5USD/mo for every 1,000 members in the server. For example, a server with 3,000 members would be $30USD/mo (1,000 initial $20 + 1,000 $5 + 1,000 $5). A server retains its current cost through the current subscribed month; the next billing cycle will see the increased price. This price increase covers the extra time required to go over logs, questions, etc., for more users. 

Please note that if your server really takes off and it is much, much busier than expected, your server administration fee may increase independent of your member count. This increase will be discussed with you before being implemented. I judge this by how thoroughly I am able to comb your message and moderation backlog with the base timeframe allowed. If I feel like I cannot properly administrate your server in the 30-45 minute allotment, I will bring my concerns to you. If you're comfortable with taking up the slack (either yourself or a mod you appoint), I will continue with my standard timing.  

Server Administration as described above is only available to servers I have set up. If you have a server already made and would like to discuss administrating it for you, that is an option. Cost may vary depending on the complexity, activity, and size of your server, and if you do not have logging already set up it will include a one-time $5USD fee to set up logging via Carl-bot.


Three bots come with server creation at no additional cost (see the "Bot List" option for details), and I also have a variety of other bots (see "Extra Bots") that I am comfortable enough with to add without question. In addition, if you have a bot you want me to use that's not on my lists, I can look into the learning curve and judge whether I'm comfortable enough to proceed. (Usually this will be a yes.)

I can add bots to your existing server, this service isn't restricted to only servers I help create. In order to do this, I need to be granted Administrator permission and be placed high in your role hierarchy for the duration of installation, setup, and testing, so that I can adjust things as needed in the bot. I do not need to remain Admin beyond completing the testing period. Note that the "Bot List" bots cost $10 each if I'm not creating your server, aligning with the "Extra Bots."

Bots are installed and setup for $10 or $20 each (minus the "Bot List" during server creation); I will discuss the cost with you before setup and invoicing. I am comfortable with installing multiple bots a day, so the turnaround on extra bots is usually 1-3 hours per bot. Note that I do maintain a healthy work-life balance, so "a few hours per bot" may end up being spread across multiple days if there's enough bots.

Please note, I do not install or set up AI bots.

Bots included for free with Server Creation are:

    • Carl-bot for moderation, custom commands, role management, and other general purpose functions. Bot costs $5/mo for premium, highly recommended but not necessary.
    • StickyBot for pinning a message to the bottom of up to 3 channels (welcome message by default, two unused). Bot costs $5/mo for premium, nice but not necessary. Allows for unlimited pins, embedded messages, embedded images, and changing the username/profile picture via webhook.
    • Tickets v2 for support and verification system. Bot costs $3/mo for premium, nice but not necessary. Allows for more support buttons, auto-close options, ticket resolution feedback, etc.

Additional bots cost $10 each to set up except Statbot which costs $20 (because that takes a lot of setup work):

  • Birthday Bot for birthdays. Bot costs $5USD/mo for premium, highly recommended. Premium includes pictures, more customization options, and custom events (like new books' release dates! or prior books' publication anniversaries! or cons! or anything!)
  • Friend Time for auto-converting any time mentioned in the server. Users must set themselves up in the bot to activate the conversions. Default conversion times are New York, London, and Sydney, can adjust as preferred. Bot is totally free.
  • Green-bot for making a "radio station" or "24/7 music" voice channel in your server. Default source used is Deezer. Bot costs $3.50/mo for premium, opens up a lot more commands, including non-Deezer sources.
  • Needle for creating channels that auto-thread any message sent there. This is good for image channels so image discussion doesn't spam the channel. This is also good for buddy reads, support channels, etc. Bot is totally free.
  • QOTD Bot for a daily/weekly question or prompt. Bot costs $5/mo for premium, the extra/increased features are nice but not required.
    • Supplemental setup: Creating a custom deck of up to 200 questions related to you and your books or prompts/questions you have costs up to $40, prorated by question count (e.g. 50 questions costs $10). You supply the questions and/or prompts, and I'll set up the deck.
  • Statbot for tracking your users' activity, a time display, message count, roles based on activity/join date, etc. $20 setup fee. The free features of this bot are somewhat limited, but premium on it is very reasonable (~$12USD/mo for full access, or ~$8/mo for "most" access) for how much access you get to the data.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


All prices are listed in $USD. My main methods of payment are PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. This allows anyone in the world to pay me, in your own currency, as long as you have a credit card or bank account. You do not need an account with any of the payment processors to use them, but it makes tracking your payment history and subscriptions (for PayPal) easier.

Other methods of payment can be discussed, but I cannot guarantee their use. I will look into any alternate method before confirming or denying. There may be fees involved.

Refunds for server creation are available in a tiered system, depending on where I am in the process of creating your server.

    • If I haven't started at all: I will refund 100% (minus initial fees) if you decide you don't want me to make you a server. 
    • If I have started work on the server but haven't finished:
      • If I haven't done much, a 90% refund is available.
      • If I've done a lot of work, but I'm still not done, a 70% refund is available.

I will let you know as I'm working so you know what refund level you are at.

  • After setup completion: A 50% refund will be available if you are not satisfied with the resulting server. You have 48 hours after notice of completion to request this refund. Refunds are not available after 48 hours.

I will delete the server. You are free to use any of my ideas to set up your own server if that is your preference, but you are not allowed to use any of my custom banners or emojis if you do so. 

A prorated refund will be available of however many unused days in your subscription if you wish to cancel this service. The amount refunded will be based on your current daily price (base of $20USD/mo, plus any increase based on member count or activity, divided into daily cost), times the number of full days left on your service. My administration assistance will end the night the refund is made.  

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.